Second Former Edward (Sco) has had three art works accepted for the exhibition “The Art of the Athlete” at the Zari Gallery in Fitzrovia, London, from 9-27 May.
The gallery invited interested athlete artists from across the globe to submit their work for a chance to take part in the exhibition, which is a fundraising collaboration with the Ron Pickering Memorial Fund and the Lloyd Cowan Bursary to showcase the artistic talents of athletes. Edward’s submissions include a still life drawing, landscape painting and mixed media of a duck.
Edward said he has enjoyed drawing since he was first given a pencil, and he spends his free time drawing and painting. He also has a particular interest in bird life. His talents have been recognised at Oundle with the award a 13+ Art Scholarship, which he will take up next year.
Alongside his art, Edward is committed to developing as a cross country and track athlete. He started off joining 5K park runs, and then in Year 6 at Laxton Junior School he started attending the Corby Athletics Club, where he now trains twice a week. In January he won the U13 Northamptonshire Cross Country Championships over 3K with a one second margin; represented Northampton in the Inter-County Cross Country Anglian Trophy; and competed in the ESAA National Cross Country Championship in March. With only a few days to recover, he then won the junior section of the School’s Cross Country Race with a time of 10:44. He also gives himself time to train for the 1500 and 800 on the School track.
“The Art of the Athlete” exhibition will promote art by current and former athletes and raise money for the two organisations to support athletes and coaches. Edward’s pieces will be exhibited alongside the work of athletes from around the world, including Roald Bradstock and Keely Hodgkinson, who is a keen painter in her spare time.