We are continually impressed by everything our pupils go on to explore and achieve after Oundle and university. Whatever straight or meandering career path our leavers follow, what stands out is their curiosity, bravery and independence alongside their commitment to succeed.

Oundle crest

receive Oxbridge offers


progress to Russell Group universities


go on to overseas universities


We are proud of our pupils’ Oxbridge successes, with around 10% receiving offers each year. In 2023, seventeen pupils confirmed Oxbridge places, reading a broad range of subjects across STEM, the Arts and the Humanities.

The foundations for Oxbridge entry are laid long before the application process begins; our curriculum equips pupils to think, and is driven by a love of learning for its own sake. Our Academic Scholarship and enrichment programmes stimulate an intellectual curiosity that distinguishes pupils’ applications.

Those considering Oxbridge entry are supported throughout the application process starting in the Lower Sixth year. Pupils attend regular meetings with departmental Oxbridge mentors, and are supported in exploring their extended reading and personal research, with advice on choosing Colleges, preparation for interviews, and appropriate practice for pre-tests. This, coupled with our excellent understanding of our pupils, is rewarded with an impressive success rate of offers to applications.

Further details on university destinations and popular degree subjects can be found in The Review which is published annually.


Overseas Universities

While most Oundelians go on to Russell Group universities, increasing numbers are looking across the world for the best higher education institutions with a global approach.

Oundle offers preparation for admissions to universities in North America, Europe and Asia. Individual guidance and planning is provided by a senior member of the Careers department for advice on the Common Application, SAT/ACT and general applications, and pupils benefit from opportunities to meet representatives from prestigious universities to talk about studying abroad and the admissions process.

A Well-Rounded Experience

Whilst it is clear that pupils need to make well-informed decisions about a university and degree course, and that their university applications must be of a high standard, quality graduate jobs are offered to those applicants with a strong CV that demonstrates relevant work experience, the ability to think independently and a confidence to offer solutions beyond academic success. Our broad and interesting co-curriculum opportunities ensure our pupils offer diverse and interesting skills, knowledge and real-world experience to stand out in an increasingly competitive world.

Guiding Informed Decisions

Our Careers department, staffed by two full-time dedicated advisors as well as teaching staff, is an open and friendly space for pupils to drop in to discuss any aspect of their higher education or careers aspirations. Our formal careers programme has two distinct but complementary strands involving an academic focus on Sixth Form options and university applications as well as a professional outlook towards work experience, CVs and interview skills.

In First and Second Forms, pupils have lessons at the end of each half term which show them how the subjects they are studying at School relate to, and prepare them for, the world of work. In Third Form, pupils start to think about transferable skills and how they are developed at School via the Trivium programme. In the Fourth and Fifth Forms, the focus is on the important decision about which Sixth Form subjects to choose. During the Fifth and Sixth Forms, we guide pupils through CV writing, interview practice, researching post-18 options, completing applications and pre-test/interview preparation.

Details of academic and career development opportunities for Fifth and Sixth Form pupils are regularly sent to pupils and the department provides support for all pupils throughout their Sixth Form as they make choices and prepare applications for life beyond Oundle.

Pupils achieve places at universities, art and music colleges with highly selective entry requirements in a range of disciplines or on apprenticeships with equally stringent entry criteria.
ISI Report, 2021

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