We are fortunate in our location at the heart of a beautiful market town, not least because for over 450 years the School and town have been part of the same community. Our pupils take their place within this community, not isolated from it.
Our School buildings, dating from the 17th to the 21st centuries, are dispersed throughout the heart of the town, creating a unique environment and community. Our pupils share the town of Oundle with local residents, instilling in them an appreciation of the responsibilities of co-location and helping to create a natural humility. Oundelians pass through the streets as they go to lessons, games or other activities and this instils in them an appreciation of being part of both a School and a local community, giving a unique feel to the School.
"The School and town are closely entwined and the contribution of pupils to the life of the community is much greater than mere geographical presence."ISI INSPECTION REPORT 2021