Although the Stahl Theatre is unable to stage public performances this Term, the pupils have been exploring creative ways to communicate their work. The theatre is busy with booked activities and production schedules.
Along with rehearsals for upcoming productions, Friday and Saturday are Cinema Nights, making use of its big screen projection equipment, and on Sundays the sound stage is available to be booked for filming shorts for Monday night broadcasts. Coming up is the Oundle Foolights inter-House Talent Show of sketches, stand-up comedy, dance, impressions.
Monday evening broadcasts on estream feature filmed short productions. The first broadcast premiered the short film Isolation, written and performed by the pupils who took last term’s Wontner Masterclass in screen acting.
Also on the programme was a film of two performances from the musical The Last Five Years starring Brioni Leung and Harun Tekin, which will be filmed in its entirety for release in the coming months.