The Yarrow Gallery is proud to welcome back talented Old Oundelians to exhibit a stunning selection of artwork from sculptures to paintings and photography. We are excited to add a new element to the exhibit this year by displaying the work of poets.

Artists include:Maddy Gyselynck (K 11) PainterLouisa Risch (S 08) Painter
Richard Colson (Sn 71) Painter
Michael Blooman (D 59) Painter/Printmaker
William Darrell (S 08) Sculptor
Jo Marland (K 03) Ceramic Designer
Simon Pearsall (G 81) Cartoonist
Josh Shinner (S 03) Photographer

Poetry from:
Matthew MacLachlan (F 07)
Dr Edward Ragg (S 95)
Keith Diggle (L 55)