The Science Essay Prize is an opportunity for Oundelians across the School to follow their curiosity within any area of the sciences. Pupils are challenged to write an essay on a topic they find fascinating. Dozens of pupils enter every year, submitting essays about enormously varied subjects. They receive no direct help from their teachers other than a nudge towards something they might find interesting, and they complete the essays entirely in their own time. Many pupils enter the competition every year.
There are prizes to win, but most write an essay because they just want to know more about the world around them, and because they find the pursuit a reward in itself.
This year’s winners in the different age bands are:
Phea (Sco 1) – “Synthetic Fuels: are they a good alternative to fossil fuels?”
Beatrice (Sr 3) – “Are frozen frogs the key to eternal life?”
Joanna (Sr 4) – “How to build an organ.”
Alex (G 5) – “Can Leukaemia ever be cured?”
Grace (W 5) – “To what extent was the Toxoplasma Gondii protozoan responsible for the development of the world as we know it?”
Jasi (W L6) – “Does the internet make us more or less intelligent?”
Six pupils were Highly Commended: Calum (Sco 2), William (Sco 1), Francis (StA 3), Edward (Sr 4), Rupert (L L6), Joseph (Sr L6).
The essays will be published in a book for distribution.