Oundle’s Green Team is working with the Peterborough Environment City Trust (PECT) on their Bring it Back campaign to trial reusable cups from Oundle’s cafes.
PECT was one of six recipients nationally of the £1.4 million Bring it Back Fund launched by Hubbub and Starbucks. As part of the Bring it Back campaign, PECT is running a trial until the end of July in Oundle to test how reusable packaging schemes work and to determine how they can become a long-term alternative to single-use packaging.
A reusable cup is a container for your drink that is ‘loaned’ to you and after use, is returned to a convenient recycling collection point. This differs from personal reusables, such as a travel mug that you own and refill instore.
Beans, Trendalls, the Coffee Tavern and Brew Babu are offering reusable cups that can be deposited at recycling stations at locations around town, including the School Cloisters and the Sports Centre.
The town businesses will help PECT monitor and gather evidence of usage by their customers. The project acknowledges that convenience is a key driver of consumer behaviour. It aims to challenge single-use waste by making reusable products a habit of convenience.