
Safeguarding is a statutory responsibility. Oundle School Enterprises Ltd (OSEL) will provide a safe environment and positive experience for all users.  OSEL will have and implement safeguarding policies and procedures that prioritise the safeguarding of children and all those at risk from harm. OSEL adheres to Oundle School’s Safeguarding Policy and procedures, and this Charter should be read in conjunction with the School’s own policy. 

Appropriate arrangements are in place to keep children safe where the School’s facilities/premises are hired out to other organisations, including a requirement for such organisations to have appropriate policies and procedures in place.  Any concerns are followed up robustly, in accordance with the School’s own safeguarding procedures and the Oundle School DSL and Director of Safeguarding (DSL)and Deputy Director of Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) are kept appropriately informed. 


OSEL is committed to ensuring that all users of our facilities and venues are safe and strive to maintain this with regular reviews, staff training and encouraging an environment of openness and vigilance. OSEL will follow up all concerns appropriately in the interests of ensuring a culture of safety, equality and protection, having regard to the protected characteristics defined in the Equality Act 2010. Users of our facilities must provide commitment to, and demonstrate measures are in place, to respond to the safeguarding requirements outlined in Keeping Children Safe in Education including, but not limited to, Safer Recruitment, the Prevent Duty, Online Safety, Child-on-Child Abuse, Child Sexual Exploitation, Child Criminal Exploitation, and the FGM Duty to Report. OSEL clients are contracted to abide by the School’s Safeguarding policies and procedures. Failure to adhere to Safeguarding protocols will result in the termination of membership or the hire/rental agreement.    


OSEL Commitment 

  • Safeguarding takes priority over all activities. 
  • Everything we do revolves around keeping people safe in our venues. 
  • Our systems and processes fully support and promote safeguarding. 
  • We ensure that safer recruitment practices and safeguarding policies and procedures set out a culture of vigilance and challenge. 
  • We embrace continuous improvement and development. 
  • Our Safeguarding structures and processes are clear, transparent and easy to follow. 
  • We ensure that all those working with young people and adults at risk, follow an agreed code of conduct that promotes safe working practices and makes responsibilities and expectations clear, including the understanding that anyone can make a referral.  
  • We work in partnership with external hirers to safeguard and promote the welfare of all users of the facilities ensuring they adhere to all safeguarding best practices. 


OSEL has its own Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Susie Raby,  and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)  Oliver Rees, who support external users during holiday periods and ensure that all policies and procedures are adhered to. These individuals along with the Sports Centre Manager, Sally Dayus, are trained to DSL level.  

Hire of facilities to a recognised third-party organisation 

  • The third-party organisation will be required to provide safeguarding documentation which is in line with the OSEL Charter. Contractual terms and documentation are reviewed at the time of initial contract and thereafter at least annually.  

Hire of facilities to an individual 

  • Where the letting of the facility is to an individual e.g., Children’s Party. 
  • Utilise the School’s entertainment provision e.g., sport coaches.  In this instance safeguarding will be the responsibility of the School and the appropriate vetting and related documentation will be in place. 
  • Provide their own third-party entertainment where the School will require the third party to provide all required safeguarding information including, but not exclusively, a nominated Child protection officer with appropriate qualification/certification and details of the public liability insurance. 


Policy reviewed by   Head of Commercial Enterprise   Susie Raby   24th January 2024 
Review due       24th January 2025