Oundle is renowned for its vast range of trips and sports tours, of all which are carefully tailored to extend pupils’ educational and personal horizons. Many are long-standing and keenly awaited by pupils.

Oundle crest

residential trips


day trips, excluding sports fixtures


foreign residential trips to twenty different countries

The annual History trips to pivotal cities on Europe’s historical map are famed for their level of detail, while the Modern Languages department sends pupils on invaluable cultural exchanges and language study visits, travelling to cities in France, Spain, Germany, Morocco, Argentina and China. Science and Geography pupils have explored regions in Honduras, Ecuador and Borneo, and participate in the annual trip to the AAAS Convention in the United States, where they mix with top scientists from around the world.

In addition to the more academic trips, Oundle has strong links with overseas communities where pupils contribute time and funds to projects that improve opportunities and living standards. In 2001, we began to develop links with a school in Kenya and this has since developed into working with further schools, an orphanage, an educational environmental trust and a hostel for children with physical and mental disabilities. Other links with Africa have included working with local villages near Inhambane, Mozambique, and in KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. 

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